*********PRESS RELEASE 22nd January 2024********
- GCA will robustly participate in Ofcom’s review
- A reliable, universal and affordable postal service is non-negotiable to GCA’s
The Greeting Card Association today welcomed Downing Street’s commitment that it “would not countenance” a move to limit postal deliveries to five days a week.
On Wednesday (24 January), Ofcom is expected to unveil details its review of the Universal Service Obligation (USO) that currently ensures the Royal Mail meets a minimum standard in its letters delivery business.
That USO is meant to protect consumers, ensuring the service is universal, reliable and affordable.
The Greeting Card Association, which represents over 500 members of a £1.5bn creative industry will participate robustly in Ofcom’s review.
The GCA’s chief executive officer Amanda Fergusson said:
“We welcome the government’s renewed commitment to the six days a week delivery standard consumers and businesses value.
“Our 500-plus members have been very clear – our creative industry depends on a postal service that remains reliable, national and affordable – commitments that cannot be diluted.
A service that delivers on-time, to all UK households and at a simple flat price that’s good value, is crucial to the future of our both our members and their communities.
“Ofcom were clear at the end of last year that the Royal Mail was failing consumers and small businesses by not meeting the minimum standards of reliability enshrined in the current USO.
“It is perverse that just a few weeks later it’s suggesting that the reward for not meeting its obligations should be to lower the service levels they’ve already failed to meet for a number of years.
“Our members – largely small businesses that rely on a Royal Mail that keeps its existing promises – expect delivery service standards to be raised, not lowered.
“We stand with consumers, communities across the UK and other organisations such as Citizens Advice and the Communication Workers Union in wanting to ensure service levels are maintained, the delivery service we all rely on remains affordable and posties are supported.
“Of course, we recognise the Royal Mail faces economic challenges – our members run and operate businesses large and small too.
“Our members stand ready to help develop a new way forward for Royal Mail with their creativity, passion and love of the service their local postie provides.”
Through its #Cardmitment campaign, the GCA is encouraging people make a commitment to send cards.
It is asking politicians and other stakeholders to also make a commitment to keeping postal prices low and supporting the Royal Mail’s obligation to deliver to any address in the UK, six days a week.
The GCA continues to support Ofcom’s commitment to peg second class post prices for
consumers – for just 75p because of the extraordinary value that provides.
Further Information             Â
Contact Nick Agarwal or Andrea Ross at the GCA press office: gca@arena-pr.com