Webinar: Sales Agents, 9th July 2024


GCA Sales Agents Webinar

Date: 10am on Tuesday 9th July

Cost: £20 (GCA Members)  or £75 (non GCA Members)

If you are a GCA member please make  sure you are logged in to get the members discount.

GCA Sales Agents Webinar

If you are currently working with agents, or looking to recruit and build mutually beneficial relationships with agents, this webinar is for you!

Experienced sales manager James Mace leads this webinar sharing his top tips for working successfully with sales agents. Also on our expert panel are agents Rosie Trow and Richard Pass who will be sharing insights and experience into the role of the agent.

Chris Bryan, GCA Council Member, and GCA CEO Amanda Fergusson will be joining in the discussion and sharing your questions with our panel.

If you have questions you’d like James, Rosie or Richard to answer please email  amanda@gca.cards.

Expert Panel:

  • James Mace, Sales & Marketing Manager The Art File,
  • Richard Pass  - Sales Agent - North England
  • Rosie Trow -  Sales Agent, South/Southwest
  • Chris Bryan, GCA past president, and General Manager of Second Nature
  • Amanda Fergusson - GCA CEO

Date: 10 am on Tuesday 9th July 2024

Cost: £20 (GCA Members)    / £75 (non GCA Members)

Event Details

Date: July 09, 2024

Start time: 10:00

End time: 11:00