This blog is regularly updated with latest information for tradeshows coming up.
Exhibiting at trade fairs is one of the main ways for publishers to meet new buyers or agents and obtain sales leads from both at home and abroad. They are also a part of the greeting card social calendar, where existing publishers catch up with old colleagues and new publishers are able to meet each other under one roof. This is the time when, as a new publisher, you realise that there is a whole greeting card world out there!
Before deciding to exhibit, it is advisable to visit the major fairs. This will help you to decide which would be the most appropriate fair for your products. It is important to research each fair, taking into account the time of year, price of the stands, distance from your base, cost of accommodation and the size of the fair. Read this GCA blog on preparing for your first tradeshow.
Below is the latest information from the main greeting card trade shows in the UK, which attract a regional or nationwide audience. There may also be local trade shows close to you, so it’s worth checking them out too.