2WL, sponsor of the 2022 GCA Conference and AGM have been specialising in fulfilment since 1994. Their moto is “You create-we deliver”. We asked Matt Lyons to give us the lowdown…
How long have you been a GCA Member?
3 Years as an official GCA member.
What services do you provide that would be of interest to GCA members?
We are a fulfilment house, store pick/pack and any production/outworking work needed for the products before dispatch. We’ve been working with some of the best publishers since 1994.
Our moto is You create-we deliver.
We ensure that our publishers can concentrate on what they do best – design lots of great new product,
We can do the rest shipping to Indies, multiples, brokerage, export and web sales.

Who would you like to meet at the GCA Conference?
It will just nice to come and catch up and meet some new faces as I’ve only ever been to 1 Conference before.
Website. https://www.2wl.co
LinkedIn. Matt Lyons