Thinking of You Week activity is continuing to build – there has never been a better time to say Thinking of You than in 2020! Click below to see our short film – suggesting the best way to say Thinking of You!
2020 is going to be the biggest Thinking of You Week yet! We have more retailers engaged than ever before and are working with a PR agency to spread the message out to consumers;Â traffic to our Thinking of You Week website is already building. Please share this with film your community, your teams, customers and others; we want to create a wave of card sending 21st-27th September 2020.
Do use the resources on the site, there is a draft press release if you want to contact local, or national, media to promote your company (feel free to share the film as part of this – most press have website and like digital content). And why not run a competition for your followers on social media – again tips and guidelines in the toolkit
To see the full story click below for the unedited version!