In the world of greeting cards, where heartfelt messages and creative designs bring joy to countless individuals, starting your journey can feel both exciting and overwhelming. Whether you’re an aspiring artist, a budding entrepreneur, or simply someone with a passion for crafting beautiful sentiments, the greeting card industry offers boundless opportunities.

In this article, we’ll explore the initial steps you need to take to get started in greeting cards. We’ll also link to other related posts that delve deeper into key aspects such as designing your cards, understanding market trends, and effective marketing strategies. So, grab your favourite pen and let’s embark on this delightful journey together, with the Greeting Card Association as your trusted guide. Sign up to our newsletter to stay tuned for tips, tricks, and a wealth of knowledge to help you create and share the perfect cards.

Join the GCA for invaluable support

To make the most of these opportunities, there’s one invaluable step you should consider: joining the Greeting Card Association (GCA). As the industry’s not-for-profit trade organization, the GCA provides a wealth of resources to help you navigate the greeting card landscape. From networking events and industry insights to educational workshops and exclusive discounts, the GCA is your gateway to success in this vibrant market.

Useful articles to get you started in Greeting Cards

The GCA website is packed with articles to help new and experienced greeting card publishers, retailers and artists along their journey. We’ve pulled together some of the key articles to get you started below. Note some articles are for members only.

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