GCA podcasts – capturing greeting card history to inspire the industry of the future
Talking Cards with Industry Leaders, the Greeting Card Association’s podcast series, is a look at key greeting card designers, publishers and individuals whose passion, drive and talent has influenced and shaped the history of our industry.
It is hoped that listening to those who have made a major contribution to our industry talk about their journey, and advice they’d give their younger self, will help and inspire the next generation of our wonderful industry.
GCA Meets – Karen Wilson and Claire Williams co-founders of Paper Salad
Paper Salad co-founders and owners, Karen Wilson and Claire Williams, tell GCA’s CEO Amanda Fergusson their fascinating, and at times hair-raising, story!
Karen and Claire share their journey into the greeting card industry from their meeting at Stockport college. Discussing the decision to set up their own business, the challenges of securing finance, selling their first 32,000 cards and building up the brand into the success story that Paper Salad is today.
The duo speak about the importance of believing in your product and building close relationships with their suppliers. Also accessing and utilising the broad range of business advice available, particularly from the GCA and Ladder Club.
Karen now serves on the GCA Council . Elected Vice President in 2022 she has been instrumental in launching the GCA Locals and speaks passionately about the help and support offered by the GCA.
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Paper Salad
Paper Salad is known for bold bright neon and textured greeting cards. Established in 2005 the brand is now known across the UK and overseas. In 2024 Paper Salad is a UK leading greeting card brand, and extends across several other product categories, often due to licensing, from gift wrap and bags through to fabric and clothes!
The many awards won by the Paper Salad team include 18 Henries (UK greeting card awards) and 7 Louis awards in the US, where their brand is also well known.
Meet the sponsor
Skylight Media
Skylight design and run the Paper Salad website and are kindly sponsoring this Podcast. Supporting the greeting cards sector since 2008, Skylight Media are specialists in integrated Shopify e-commerce for Trade & Consumer, providing beautiful and unique website styles that work with clients’ branding and product structures, whilst reducing administrative burden, increasing cost-efficiency and allowing for future flexibility and scaling
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