Soon, we will launch our website and be able to tell you a lot more about us, but for now..
We are passionate about a few core things here at LionCat:
Animals, the environment, friends & family and last but not least Creativity.
This company has grown out of a need primarily to be creative. We have worked in and with big companies for a long time.. we loved it but we wanted something that we could call our own, being able to express ourselves with complete creative freedom. Not having a reason to sometimes just want to paint a certain thing on a certain day.
Another big thing for us is wanting to keep the greetings card industry alive. You cannot compare the feeling of opening a lovely crisp envelope with familiar handwriting , delivered to your door by a friendly face. You know this person has put the effort in, to think about you, whether it’s for your birthday, at Christmas or to express other feelings to you, of joy, sympathy or congratulations. It is so much more wonderfully personal than any kind of social media you can think of and we, at LionCat want to be there to help you make the people in your life feel special.