Mark Williams

Council MemberCompany:
Brainbox Candy
Mark is co-founder of the humour greeting card brand Brainbox Candy
He started his career working for a merchant bank in London before moving into the financial markets, working as a derivatives broker in the UK and Switzerland. Sixteen years ago after leaving the financial markets, Mark setup Brainbox Candy with his fellow co founder Ben Hickman. We both shared a love of ballsy humorous cards and wanted to see what we could bring to the industry. We had absolutely no experience, and it was a real baptism by fire in the early years.
From the outset, we wanted to really push the boundaries with original humour and unusual quirky designs. Sixteen years on, and are still pushing innovative humour cards into the marketplace. I am passionate about the industry, and amongst other things, I want to encourage younger people to keep card sending alive.
The GCA is a vital part of the greeting card industry, providing essential support to its members, from fledgling businesses to well-established companies.
I am honoured to be able to support the greeting card industry through the council.