Conference and AGM 2024 Report and Photos

Sep 24, 2024 | GCA Events

GCA members came together in Bristol for the annual GCA Conference and AGM on 19th September 2024. The Conference celebrated our wonderful industry, discussed key industry issues and heard from a fantastic line up of speakers. Members come from across the country, flying in from Ireland, Scotland and the USA too!

The day heard good news from the GCA’s annual Market Report, with UK greeting card sales up 4% and contributing over £1.5bn to the UK economy. Along with some fascinating consumer insights from consumer specialists Kantar, and included a Q&A session with Royal Mail’s Fiona Hamilton where members shared their concerns about Ofcom’s ongoing review of the postal service.  

Summary of the day

CEO Amanda Fergusson welcomed everyone to Bristol, and along with GCA President Darren Cave, reflected on past year and the work the GCA have been doing to support members and protect and promote the greeting card industry, particularly the Cardmitment campaign.

Both spoke about the importance of this campaign, encouraging everyone to ‘commit’ to sending more greeting cards with particular focus on Christmas, and the impact it has created: Since launch last year media coverage has now reached over 46 million. Amanda also spoke about the importance off working with Royal Mail, Ofcom, government and other stakeholders that impact card sending.

Cardmitment has become the umbrella name for all these activities to protect and promote card sending.

GCA Vice President, Karen Wilson of Paper Salad spoke about the importance of learning from others, and encouraged everyone to join the many hundreds from across the industry who have attended GCA Events this year.

The Conference fell during the 10th anniversary of Thinking of You Week! To celebrate GCA member Bexy Boo designed a special card. All delegates were asked to write a card and post it in the N-Smith postbox, from where, thanks to Royal Mail, the cards were posted on.

Amanda also thanked the GCA Council (below) for all the work they do on behalf of the industry, welcoming new Council member Rosie Tate, from Cath Tate (below far right).

The GCA also thanked the day’s sponsors , all GCA Supplier Members so already working with, and recommended by, other GCA members: Cummins and Papyrus,  FedrigoniGraphite CreativeN-SmithMcDaniels Law, Loxley’sAspin, Top Drawer, G F Smith, Alpha Colour Printers and  Skylight Media

All GCA Supplier Members are specialists in providing the services that they offer. During breaks members had the opportunity to meet and speak to the sponsors, with GCA’s Membership and Marketing Manager, Adriana Lovesy, later inviting some sponsors onto the stage to give a 30 second insight into their business.

Adriana also teamed up with Nettl’s Raj Arora to give a rollercoaster ride through website change in the last 20 years. They shared the benefits of the updated GCA website, to be launched in October 2024, which include an improved search facility and easier booking of events.

Sarah Jackson, GCA Council Member, owner of Stormy Knight and Bristol resident, led the GCA Council sub-committee organising the Conference. Sarah also designed a brochure, kindly printed by Alpha Colour Printers, that contained all the details of the day, celebrated Thinking of You Week’s 10th Anniversary and shared the special cards Council Members have kept!

Keynote Speakers

The Conference was treated to a broad range of speakers, from both inside and outside the industry, sharing insight, key information and some fascinating statistics and consumer insights.

L-R Speakers – Seth Woodmansterne, Darren Cave, Fiona Hamilton, Adriana Lovesy, Mark Callaby, James Stevens, Amanda Fergusson, Karen Wilson, James Taylor, Raj Arora

Protecting the future sustainability of the Universal Service and preparations for the Christmas postal peak – Fiona Hamilton, Head of Public Affairs Royal Mail

The first keynote speaker was Fiona Hamilton, Head of Public Affairs at Royal Mail. Fiona was standing in at the last minute for Royal Mail’s Director of External Affairs and Policy David Gold.

Fiona spoke about the changes that are be taking place at Royal Mail to transform the business, highlighting the importance of the Universal Service Obligation reform, citing a decline in letter volumes and the need for parcel growth. She spoke about the proposed changes to 2nd class delivery moving to every other working day -so 3 days a week one week and 2 the next.  Fiona also outlined operational & readiness for Christmas 2024.

At the end of Fiona’s speech Amanda Fergusson lead a Q&A session where Fiona responded to members questions from the floor. Members highlighted their concerns and the impact of poor service and price increases on their business, see member feedback for more

Looking at sustainability differently – James Stevens, James Ellis 

James Stevens, owner of well known greeting card publisher James Ellis, spoke passionately about the changes he’d made in his business to remove plastic, completely reinventing his top selling children’s range.

James’ spoke about the changes he has made to his business and how James Ellis now looks at sustainability differently, along with James Ellis’s membership of 1% for the Planet organisation, .

Annual Market Report and Key Consumer Insights

Up to date insight and statistics into both the greeting card industry and current consumer activity was shared over two presentations:

The GCA Annual Market Report was presented by Seth Woodmansterne, council member and MD of Woodmansterne Publications. With the UK card consumers now spending over £1.5bn at retail on greeting cards in 2023 Seth shared details of the breakdown between seasons and volume and value trends. The full Market Report will be available on the GCA website in October.

Kantar’s unit director of retail, Sally Ball, shared some fascinating consumer insights, looking at shopping patterns between different demographics and regions across the UK, and how the current cost of living challenges are impacting how and where people shop, with 2024 card sales seeing a 4% rise and the average household spending £35 on greeting cards.

A family business growth journey, the highs and lows – James Taylor, Trading Director at Cardzone

James Taylor took us through his fascinating story, growing up in a family business and then bringing his own skills into the business and working with his father, Paul Taylor.

James eloquently took us through the challenges of growing the business, the acquisition of Clintons, and spoke about the importance empowering their teams and everyone’s love of cards.

The Story of Ohh Deer: you can do anything but not everything – Mark Callaby, Ohh Deer

Mark Callaby, co-owner of Ohh Deer, took everyone on a riveting journey through the launch and growth of Ohh Deer, the business he co-founded with his life partner Jamie Mitchell in 2011.

Mark shared the highs and lows, and the lessons he has learnt along the way, inspiring many in the audience. To hear more about Mark’s journey listen to the GCA Podcast he recorded with CEO Amanda Fergusson.


Members enjoyed catching up and talking cards over coffee breaks and lunch. Nearly 190 from across the industry attending, making this the biggest GCA Conference yet!

The networking had started the previous evening with Emotional Rescue and Ling kindly hosting pre-Conference drinks at the Dirty Martini bar next to the venue.

Further Information

To find our more about our Christmas Marketing campaign visit the links below

Cardmitment Toolkit

To find out more about The Write Before Christmas

To join in with Caring at Christmas

Cardmitment Challenge

Be ready to post your cards on Festive Friday

To see more from members feedback from Royal Mail’s Conference speech and Q&A

See here to find out more about how the GCA Council works.

Minutes of the GCA AGM 2024 and some of the presentations from the day will available in the Members’ Library shortly

For report on our 2023 Leeds Conference and AGM click the link

For report on our 2022 Nottingham Conference and AGM click the link

For report on our 2021 Manchester Conference and AGM click the link

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