More Than Just Words: How Greeting Cards Can Make a Difference in Grief
In conversation with Rachel from Love Loss Discoballs, sharing her journey through grief and meaningful connections.
In conversation with Rachel from Love Loss Discoballs, sharing her journey through grief and meaningful connections.
Guidelines for designers and publishers designing cards for bereaved children. Produced by the GCA with Winston’s Wish, a charity supporting bereaved children.
Temu Takedown Guide for Copyright Infringement by GCA Supplier member McDaniels Law
GCA’s New Creative Talent project has built up a series of resources to support GCA members looking to recruit new creative talent,, and to offer a route into the industry for those looking to join.
The 2025 Valentine’s Day Toolkit contains downloadable resources to help with online and offline marketing.
The 2025 Mother’s Day Toolkit contains downloadable resources to help with online and offline marketing.
The 2025 Father’s Day Toolkit contains downloadable resources with online and offline marketing.
The 2025 Easter Toolkit contains downloadable resources to help with online and offline marketing.
Commissioned by the Greeting Card Association the annual GCA Market Report provides reliable figures for the greeting card industry for defined card categories based on its members UK retail sales. Once again the project was managed independently, confidentially and securely by Echo Research, the award winning market data company. The GCA Market Report can be…
#Cardmitment Toolkit for everyone to use to remind people of the joy of sending and receiving Christmas cards
Join our #Cardmitment campaign to encourage everyone to send cards this Christmas, and secure some press coverage to promote your business. GCA members across the country are working on initiatives to remind people about the joy and importance of connecting with their loved ones through greeting cards particularly at Christmas. Through fun activities and events,…
Tis the season for giving and spreading cheer,
and what better way to do so than taking
part in the Cardmitment Challenge.
The GCA is encouraging everyone to start writing their Christmas cards early, and post 2nd class to spread good cheer and create a wave of card sending! The Write Before Christmas is an initiative to engage your community, and bring people together to write their Christmas cards. The tagline was the brainwave of GCA member…
The GCA publishes toolkits to help retailers and publishers promote card sending occasions. GCA Toolkits
Over 40 retailers joined GCA Council members at the GCA’s Retail Forum, kindly hosted by Jakki Brown after the 2024 Henries judging. The afternoon saw retailers share their successes and discuss ideas for promoting card sending and growing sales in 2024. See PGBuzz for full report GCA CEO Amanda Fergusson spoke about the work the…
GCA top tips to recruit new creative talent and help from the expects to build successful working relationships with new designers and others joining your team.
Are you a student considering a career in the greeting card industry? This blog details some ways to access the industry, and has links to lots more information.
Details of trade fairs held throughout the year with significant sections dedicated to greeting cards.
Following the huge success of Pride in London last year where we handed out over 10,000 greeting cards to the cheering crowds, we’re delighted to announce that we’re doing it all again… TWICE!
In the world of greeting cards, where heartfelt messages and creative designs bring joy to countless individuals, starting your journey can feel both exciting and overwhelming. Whether you’re an aspiring artist, a budding entrepreneur, or simply someone with a passion for crafting beautiful sentiments, the greeting card industry offers boundless opportunities. In this article, we’ll…
A look at the origins of Mother’s Day, with facts and figures.
Why enter awards and top tips for being nominated. This blog also details many of the awards open to GCA members with links to enter.
See here if you’re looking to recruit New Creative Talent in 2024
An insiders guide to making the most of your first greeting card tradeshow.