Caring at Christmas!

Dec 18, 2023 | News & Insights

The GCA’s #Cardmitment campaign is about sharing the joy of cards, and reminding everyone about the importance of the very British tradition of connecting with loved ones at Christmas.

By taking cards to those unable to get to the shops we hope to start a wave of card sending across the UK, encouraging everyone to post early and share the joy of Christmas cards!

Members across the country joined in – with many also achieving local press coverage for their businesses; the Bristol Post Card Publishers Spread Joy, Hasting and St Leonards Observer Bid to Spread Christmas cheer in care homes, and Sheffield’s Star are just two of the many headlines GCA members achieved.

GCA Members Caring at Christmas

Last year GCA members across the country teamed up to visit local care homes, leading the initiative in early November were Five Dollar Shake, Roger la Borde, Abacus, Max Publishing and GCA’s CEO Amanda Fergusson. Others who got involved included Really Wild Cards, Paper Salad, Ling and GBBC, Woodmansterne and UKG.

Five Dollar Shake (above) led the way, in Hastings and St Leonards on the south coast, having already developed relationships with local care homes the previous year (see below). Five Dollar also swapped cards with other GCA Council Members to offer residents lots to choose from.

Jakki Brown, GCA Council member and md of Max Publishing visited Berehill Care Home in Whitchurch, Hampshire where her father is a resident, armed with a selection of donated cards from The Art File, Paper Salad, Raspberry Blossom and Stormy Knight as well as pens donated by Pentel.

As my visit coincided with Dad’s 87th birthday it was especially poignant. In common with many of his fellow residents, Dad has advanced Dementia, but it came across loud and clear that they all loved selecting just the right card designs for their loved ones and friends.

One lady was so keen on a “beautiful card” from The Art File that she asked me to write it to her

Jakki Brown, MD Max Publishing

Roger La Borde were pleased to “sprinkle a little Christmas card joy to the residents” in two North London care homes, with GCA’s Amanda Fergusson taking cards donated by Second Nature and GBBC/Ling into a care home in Twickenham.

The lovely team at the care home were so welcoming and it was very special helping residents choose and write their cards. A highlight was seeing two residents, who needed help remembering names, sign cards ‘love mum’; I can only imagine the joy of their children receiving their cards and seeing their mother’s writing

Amanda Fergusson GCA CEO

Loxleys visited residents at Sheffield’s Valley Wood Care home in Heeley, delighting residents and manager Louise Crocker, and achieving some great publicity in the Sheffield Star.

We were so pleased that the team from Loxleys called in to spend time with our residents and help them complete their Christmas cards for family and friends.

Louise Crocker, manager Valley Wood

UKG visited care homes in Batley, Dewsbury and Huddersfield West Yorkshire.

We took cards to write, colouring activities, and one of our team led carol singing with her guitar, as well as plenty of chocolates.

We all had a great time, and the care homes really appreciated our visits.

Heather Clarkson, Internal Communications Manager

A team from Ling Design in Bath went into the Rush Hill Mews care home in Bath, writing over 50 cards with over a dozen residents. Volunteers from their sister firm, GBCC (The Great British Card Company) in Gloucester called into the Stratton Court care home in Cirencester, supporting residents to write and send over 100 cards. Meanwhile over in Bury St Edmunds, Iain Hamilton and team at Bewilderbeest headed into Nowton Corut care home, sharing cookies and jokes with residents.

We loved sitting down with residents and writing cards with them. They came with their address books and their lists and were so excited when we arrived!
Some of them needed some help and we were delighted to post the cards on their behalf.
We sent out all the cards on 1st December – Festive Friday, the perfect time to post them. It’s the day greetings publishers post their Christmas cards.
“I hope they will encourage the people who receive them, their friends and family, to write back to them. “It would be lovely if care home residents receive lots of cards this Christmas. It means a lot to people

Patsy Gould, Marketing Manager GBBC/Ling
Ling/Great British Card Company team preparing to visit care homes

Sarah and Kelly from Stormy Knight, Lizzie from Penguin Ink and David from Ricicle Cards joined forces to visit Bishopsmead Lodge Care Home in Bristol; both residents and staff joined in to write the cards, and also the local Bristol Post newspaper ran a lovely piece sharing the story with their readers.

Meanwhile the some GCA members extended the initiative by donating cards to charities. Woodmansterne supported Crisis at Christmas, and Second Nature and Belly Button donated cards to a Salvation Army hostel.

A massive thanks to Woodmansterne for their donation…. Crisis will be providing a warm welcome for people experiencing homelessness at our residential hotels and day centres across London, where they will receive companionship, food and the support they need to begin their journey to leave homelessness behind.

We all know the joy of opening up a greetings card, and on Christmas day our guests will wake up to their own card in addition to a traditional Christmas lunch and the support of our army of volunteers.

Crisis at Christmas

What is the Caring at Christmas Campaign all about?

In 2022, Matt Genower, Managing Director at greeting card publisher Five Dollar Shake, had the wonderful idea of bringing Christmas cards into their local care homes, helping the residents write cards to their loved ones and get the Christmas spirit underway!

It was so well received that we thought it would be a great initiative to roll out across the country every year with GCA members all getting involved!

Matt Genower, Managing Director at Five Dollar Shake and Jimmy writing Five Dollar Shake cards

Why we feel this is so important…

Postal strikes in 2022 resulted in lower Christmas card sales, sparking concerns that Christmas card sending is on a downward trend. We want to remind the country of the pleasure that sending and receiving Christmas cards can bring, especially to those who may feel lonely or vulnerable at Christmas, and the pleasure of continuing to enjoy the cards around the room bringing that Christmassy feel and a reminder of loved ones.

As an industry we have faced several challenges in the last couple of years, including Royal Mail strikes, so we need to come together to nurture Christmas card sending urgently.

By reaching out to local care homes we hope to spark some Christmas spirit amongst residents, engage with our local communities and start a wave of Christmas card sending!

Your industry needs you…!

We’d love to see as many publishers as possible, and other GCA members across the country, get involved and hope to generate some much needed media interest and buzz around the campaign. So we’ve put together a handy guide explaining how you can get involved…

Abacus Cards in Bury St. Edmund’s Cornwallis Court Care Home on the 2nd November 2023.

How it started…

The idea of taking Christmas cards into care homes came about from a local pensioners association leaflet dropped though my door. The flyer listed the numerous activities on offer throughout November & December, one of which was ‘Christmas Card Writing’. Having my father-in-law recently taking up residency at a local care home it got me thinking:

Many care homes will put on various weekly activities, depending on their residents capabilities; everything from bingo to quizzes, kite making to chair yoga. And Christmas creates many other potential opportunities for activities, such as wreath making, carol singing, pantomime etc.

So in early November last year, we at Five Dollar Shake contacted a couple of local care homes for the elderly. The premise was simple; our staff bring in our Christmas cards to a home & offer an ‘activity’ whereby residents can choose some cards to be sent to their loved ones. We help them choose designs and write out the cards, addressing envelopes with them, there and then. We then offer to take their cards to be stamped/ franked and duly posted.

It was a real hit – the residents enjoyed choosing the cards and we had a great time chatting to them and helping them to write their messages to their loved ones.

Ultimately the initiative is about two things; firstly, showing the good that Christmas card writing does, and secondly, it’s genuinely a really lovely & rewarding activity to be a part of. Our two visits last year had a really positive impact. Our goal is to spread this right across the country, in as many care homes as possible – There is such an opportunity to spread the good that our industry can do.

Matt Genower, co-owner Five Dollar Shake

Matt’s Top Tips to Get Started

  • There will be a number of homes for the elderly near you. Homes vary in size and we found it easier to liaise with medium to large (anything from say 25 residents and above) homes. Most have somebody who organises activities and secondly, not all residents will be able/will want to take part.
  • We contacted the home managers in early November, highlighting the fact that we & our staff were local to them and letting them know we would we like to donate some cards to their residents as well as our time in helping them with the writing of them (don’t forget, many just won’t be able to write too well). Use the GCA letter/email template below!
  • Once you’ve agreed a date, give them a poster to put on the notice board to announce the date that you are coming in so they can have their address books ready! Also this will let visitors know who may need to supply addresses. Please feel free to Download and use our poster below.
  • Have a think about what cards you could take in. Designs suitable for older daughter & sons and younger grandchildren were popular. Be prepared for brutal feedback… Not everyone loved our cards! You could always look at teaming up with other local publishers to offer a variety of styles and make the event even more fun!
  • Take pens with you.
  • Some residents of course may want to give out their written cards by hand to visitors, but many will need to be posted. Think about offering to help frank / post their cards – This will help save money on a cost they may not be able to afford, as well as encourage early card sending which will hopefully starts a chain reaction of reciprocal card sending.
  • How many cards you take depends largely on how many residents take up the activity. It is essential that the activity is promoted to residents, and their visitors, in advance, so ask that they do this. We wrote three cards (on average) per attendee.
  • We took a variety of designs and around 60 to 80 cards with us.
  • Don’t forget to promote it as a fun activity, feel free to put on that ridiculous Christmas jumper or a hat! It’s a great way to engage with elderly residents who just may not see too many visitors.
  • There are 400,000 elderly care home residents in the UK in over 11,000 homes. Any care home that has organised activities will be crying out for different, new ideas to integrate with their residents.
  • Ask any senior staff/ management if you can take some pictures of the activity and let them know that you’d love to let the local papers know about it. It’s great promotion for the home too! Many local newspapers have easy ways of letting them know about news and events so check their local website.

Share the Joy!

We hope this initiative will start a wave of Christmas card sending across the country. And that the residents of care homes across the country will receive lots of cards back!

Please email to let us know the home(s) you are visiting, or if you know a care home and aren’t able to visit yourself but would like us to find a local publisher who perhaps could.

And please write your Christmas cards ready to post on Festive Friday, this year 1st December – see PGBuzz for more activity across the trade.

Further Information

Download our suggested letter, email and poster below, drop in your details and send to your local care home(s)

For Christmas stats and fun facts to share, use for your local media/press releases, see our Who Sent the First Christmas Card blog

To find out more about our #Cardmitment campaign click the link.

To download and use our FREE #Cardmitment toolkit click here

For all the latest #Cardmitment news

Find out more about Festive Friday, the day when everyone in the greeting card industry posts their Christmas cards

What makes us British? Our Mantelpiece

The History of Greeting Cards – look back at 100 Years of Greeting Cards

Contact our Press Office

Our #Cardmitment campaign is receiving media coverage across the country, including national coverage on BBC Breakfast and Radio 5 Live among others, click the link above to our blog to see all the latest coverage.


Care home letter
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Care home email
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Care home A4 Poster
File size: 2MB

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