3D Cards for GCSE Graphic Products Courses – Design and Development

Oct 1, 2015 | Uncategorised

Design Objectives

  • The card when opened should be self supporting, presentable and appealing, when on display in the shops and when it is received.
  • It will have to fold flat into a pack or envelope for posting and open out, preferably automatically, without any persuasion.
  • The assembly of the card must be simple to understand and be achieved in the shortest possible time (aim for under two minutes).
  • Use the minimum of components to keep production costs low.
  • Avoid gluing, only use glue if it is absolutely necessary, as it is a costly addition to the production process.
  • The design should have an area of space for a message to be written on the back of the card in its flattened position.

Stages of Development

  • Very rough, roughs – using any lightweight paper available (blank or printed).
  • Remodelled rough, rough – rebuilding and adding pieces if necessary by gluing together to develop and experiment with ideas.
  • Rough working model – rebuilt with say, ‘Cartridge’ paper or board 100-200 gsm, eliminating the glued parts with the idealistic aim of creating the structure from one piece without any gluing!
  • Refined rough working model – made from a paper or board that is in keeping with how the end result should look from the point of view of feel, solidity and looks.
  • Drawn Plan – detailed drawing on tracing paper to establish method of structure. This becomes the master reference for any duplication, amendments and future developments.
  • Finished working model – has all the characteristics of the proposed printed production model, complete with its graphical form.
  • Finished Working Drawing – this is the ultimate reference for any development beyond this prototype stage. If the design is to be commercially produced, this drawing would serve as:

A a guide for any studio / illustrator to apply graphics.
a definitive reference as to how the cut out shape will appear, marked up to register with the graphics.
a reference for checking of printed and production proofs.
D an aid to any relevant assembly instructions.

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