Karen Wilson

GCA Council - Vice President
Company: Paper Salad

Karen retrained as a mature student, gaining a degree in Surface Pattern Textiles, before becoming freelance and designing wallpapers and fabrics, in those days everything was painted by hand in repeat a skill that has been useful when designing award winning ranges of gift wraps for Glick.

It was purely by chance that Karen entered the greeting card world; her agent at the time secured some work designing some ranges for well established publishers. Karen, and her business partner Claire, enjoyed the brief so much they decided to have a go at publishing themselves and Paper Salad was born.

“Now entering our 15th year we think we finally know what we are doing! It has been a steep learning curve and we have probably made every mistake possible and come out the other side smiling. It is an honour to sit on the GCA Council and I feel I have a lot to bring to the table”.

Listen to Paper Salad’s podcast, where Karen and then business partner Claire, tells GCA CEO Amanda Fergusson about their business journey