#Cardmitment Toolkit

Aug 1, 2024 | Marketing Support

The Greeting Card Association’ s #Cardmitment Christmas toolkit reminds customers about the joy and importance of sending cards this Christmas – and to start writing them early ready to post 2nd class!

Using our #Cardmitment logo will also allow you to take advantage of our consumer media campaign reminding consumers of the importance of connecting through greeting cards, and posting early for Christmas, it’s available to download below in different formats.

#Cardmitment logos – use these to join our campaign and remind everyone to send cards!

Sending and receiving handwritten cards generates positive feelings and is good for our mental health and wellbeing. Cards create an emotional response and a powerful connection. 

Our #Cardmitment toolkit below will remind your customers of the power of the mighty greeting card! The logo and GCA #Cardmitment toolkit have been designed by Sarah Jackson of Stormy Knight, for retailers to use to remind consumers of the joy of sending and receiving cards.

Also, do use these in your offices and/or our Festive Friday, logo and toolkit to remind your teams to start writing their cards and get ready to post them on 29th November, Festive Friday, to start a wave of card sending!

The GCA’s cardmitment campaign gave us a real boost as a retailer last Christmas. We bought in 2nd class stamps to resale for the first time and promoted Christmas card sending early. We used the posters, created a window display around it and pushed it in our social media and email newsletters.

And it worked! Our charity card pack sales increased by just over 16% and our non charity pack sales were up by over 8%! Working with other independent retailers, the GCA and PG to boost early card sending not only helped social media traction but also gave us all a sense of ‘being in it together’ which is priceless.

I’m excited about embracing the campaign again this year and thinking of new ways to promote it. If any other retailers want to join The Cardmitment whatsApp group please do get in touch.

Heidi Early, owner of Earlybird, in Stoke Newington, London

“Christmas cards mean so much to so many people, and are a simple and proven way to help build and maintain relationships with family, friends and neighbours. Greetings cards are a simple and highly effective way to communicate your feelings and emotions, and that is especially important at Christmas time”.

Michael Apter, Managing Director, Paper Tiger with 3 shops in Scotland

If you are a retailer and would like to join the retailers Cardmitment WhatsApp group please contact admin@gca.cards.

There is a flyer that explains the campaign, and how you can join in, plus four Christmas posters reminding people to spread some joy by sending Christmas cards. There is also a handy card tent with the last postal dates on the reverse – pop it by the till as a handy reminder to your customers as well as your staff!

Campaign Flyer

3 of the #Cardmitment posters available to download below

4th Poster plus tent card to use at the shop till

How to access the Toolkit

Thankyou to publisher members, listed below, who’ve kindly agreed to send out these kits, please contact them to place your Christmas order and request a free toolkit, or download below.

The links below each lead to a different element of the toolkit, there is also a link to the logo if you want to use this on your own signage.

Further information

Login to see all the latest 2024 Media Coverage on cards secured by the GCA

Latest on our #Cardmitment campaign

What makes us British? Our Mantelpiece


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Cardmitment poster_Happy people_A3
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Cardmitment_White logo on purple bg
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Last postage dates Tent Card_2024 UK only
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Grinch Instagram post
Grinch Instagram post
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Happy People Instagram post
Happy People Instagram post
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Written yours Instagram post
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